Northvale Fire Department Officers

Gerard Smithson
Chief of Fire Department

Christopher Smithson
Deputy Chief

Thomas Gaspari

Edward Rejmaniak

Christopher Bodrato

Edward Witkowski

Greg Amorosso

Karl Braun
Apparatus Engineer

Christopher Smithson
SCBA Engineer
Have A Question?
Contact Us Today.

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
The object of the Fire Department shall be the protection of life and property from fire, hazardous situations, spills, leaks or other conditions endangering the public for which the Fire Department has equipment to handle and the procuring of personnel to accomplish the same.
As a department, we are always seeking new members. No experience is necessary to become a member, all training and equipment is provided to members at no cost. Interested in joining or have any questions feel free to contact us.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have.