Pay Fire Dues

Your dues help us provide life saving services and fire protection.

Residents are reminded that fire department dues are a bargain, considering that dues-paying members are NOT charged when Central Fire responds to a fire or other emergency, but state statue allows departments to charge fees, often based on the number of firefighters and time spent in the response, for those who are not members. 

Membership dues are our primary source of funding for our truck maintenance, building maintenance, equipment needs, supplies and professional training for the firefighters and EMS  first responders.

If you are not a member of the Association and do require fire support services, you need to be aware that the Missouri State Statute 320.302 allows volunteer fire departments to charge for these types of services which will be much more expensive than your dues. 


  • $75.00 annual dues on a primary residence; 

  • $25.00 annual dues on each additional property address or non-continuance property without an address. 

  • There is NO Cap for property owners that own numerous properties.

  • $100.00 annual dues for business property

  • Business dues are not to be added to residential property dues as a $25.00 extra property. Each business is responsible for $100.00 annual dues. 

To pay your Fire Dues online, you will need your Account Number, which can be found on your Fire Dues Letter you received in the mail